Lesson dialog

When AUTHORstarts the Lesson dialog is displayed.  The Lesson dialog displays the structure of your lesson and allows you to make modifications.

Lesson Structure

On the left side you will see the Lesson structure list. The Structure list is where you define the type of Lesson you are creating.


The right side of the Lesson dialog contains the Contents list. This list contains icons representing the content of the highlighted item in the Lesson structure list.

The Content icons will vary depending on what part of the Lesson structure is highlighted. For example, if a Sequential Option icon is highlighted the content list will display each of the Elements in that Option.

Button bar

The Lesson button bar contains buttons for adding, editing and deleting Menus, Sequences, Random Sequences and Elements.



These buttons are used to choose Lesson types and Option types within a Menu Lesson.



Use these buttons to delete or edit any of the components of your Lesson.




The Elements buttons offer standard questions and a presentation type as well as a General Element that can be used for a variety of different interactions.